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Attention All Companies Selling Meat Products! Horse-Donkey Meat Detection

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  • Attention All Companies Selling Meat Products! Horse-Donkey Meat Detection

In recent days, allegations of adulteration regarding horse-donkey meat (monochromatic flesh) are frequently reported in the media. Both the fact that this issue is constantly on the agenda in the media; and increasing consumer awareness of food makes this type of news even more popular.

The determination of single cuticle, which is important for food safety and consumer health, was evaluated within the scope of imitation and adulteration in the inspections of the Ministry of Agriculture, and companies with single cuticle were identified.

Firms endanger their own brand values ​​because they do not control their suppliers. Having their meat checked by the suppliers and taking samples from the meat for analysis will prevent their brands from being damaged.

Especially ground meat, kebab, meatballs and so on. The analysis of the search for horse and donkey DNA (single cuticle detection) in ready-made foods is performed by Real Time PCR.

Analysis of horse and donkey DNA analysis in our laboratory is carried out accredited by TS EN / ISO 17025 TÜRKAK.

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