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Bactericidal and Fungicidal Activity Tests Applied in Biocidal Disinfectants

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  • Bactericidal and Fungicidal Activity Tests Applied in Biocidal Disinfectants

It is extremely important that disinfectants used as biocidal have antimicrobial properties.In order for a disinfectant to show this feature, it must show both bactericidal and fungicidal activity. A product that does not exhibit these two properties cannot be expected to be biocidal, i.e. to act as a disinfectant.

The standards of bactericidal and fungicidal activity tests performed according to the type of disinfectants vary. For example, TS EN 1276 standard is used to see the bactericidal activity of domestic and industrial type disinfectants, while TS EN 13727 is used to see the bactericidal activity of medical type disinfectants.

If you want to find out whether the disinfectant you produce, use or want to buy has really bactericidal and fungicidal activity, you can contact


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