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Be Cautious When Using Water Dispenser

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  • Be Cautious When Using Water Dispenser

Water, our source of life, maintains all biological life and ecosystem. Water is needed to perform all functions in the human body as it is in nature. It plays an important role in the operation of the circulatory and digestive systems as well as in the disposal of waste and toxic substances from our body. The cleanliness of the water we drink is also very important at this point.

Especially with the arrival of summer and the increase in temperatures, people tend to consume cold water. Therefore, it is seen that the use of water dispenser has also increased. Using water dispensers provides us with convenience and saves time in our daily lives. It can meet our needs in a short time such as preparing hot water with tea, coffee in the workplace or at home, and supplying the water as cold without waiting for the water to cool down in the cupboard.

However, water dispensers can cause serious health problems if not properly cleaned. Without routine controls, it threatens human health up to infectious diseases. This is due to the increased risk of algae, mold and bacteria formation in plastics that come into contact with water for a long time.

So how to clean the dispensers?
There are many ways to clean water dispensers. However, chlorine cleaning is the most effective method. The materials required for this are Liquid Chlorine, cleaning sponge and cleaning brush.

For cleaning the dispenser with chlorine, the dispenser is emptied first, then the inside of the tank is cleaned with the brush and dish sponge to be used for the first time and the whole tank surface is shaken. Before starting the disinfection process, the dispenser is completely filled, 25 ml of liquid chlorine is mixed into this water. The liquid obtained is also used for disinfection of the dispenser lid and the shock dispenser is cleaned by cleaning the internal and external surfaces of the dispenser. After this, wait two hours.

After the expected two hours, chlorinated water is drained from the dispenser hot water tap. The next step is rinsing and it should be known that the water to be used for this process is microbially clean. The water is filled into the dispenser. Dispenser is discharged from the hot water section of the dispenser. This process is repeated until there is no chlorine smell in the dispenser. After 4-5 shaking, the chlorine smell becomes invisible. Subsequently, the dispenser is filled with drinking water with appropriate microbial and chemical parameters.

Following this series of operations, the amount of free chlorine in the water is measured with the Chemetrics drinking water chlorine assay kit. The amount of free chlorine that can be found in drinking water is 0.1-0.2 mg / l. While all these operations are carried out, the drinking water flowing from the taps should be prevented and necessary warning signs should be placed. (“Attention Disinfection Yes” sign should be placed.) Disinfection process should not be touched on the inner surface of the dispenser. This contact may cause microbial contamination of the water. At the end of the process, there should be no chlorine odor, microbial and chemical contamination in the dispenser.

Water is one of the indispensable needs for life. All necessary precautions should be taken for the use of healthy and clean water and necessary attention should be paid to this issue. Water is life.

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