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"Bisphenol A" (BPA) Analysis in Cosmetic Products and Baby Diapers

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  • "Bisphenol A" (BPA) Analysis in Cosmetic Products and Baby Diapers

"Bisphenol A (BPA)", also known as an endocrine disruptor, is a chemical substance that can be found in bottles, water bottles, food storage containers, plastic bottles that we and our family frequently use in our daily lives. Although the use of bottles and other baby materials containing BPA is prohibited in our country, it has still not been possible to remove it from other daily uses.

In addition to these used plastic items, diapers, pads and cosmetic products that may contain plastic content also pose a risk in terms of BPA.

Consumers should check whether they contain BPA from the label information of the products they use. Manufacturers should also show the necessary care in this regard.

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