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Formaldehyde Analysis in Furniture

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  • Formaldehyde Analysis in Furniture

Furnitures are frequently used in our daily life, especially in indoor areas such as home and office. The increasing diversity with the developments in the furniture sector brings with it the use of new chemicals.

Solvents or caustic substances are used in the furniture processing stage. Formaldehyde is the most hazardous and the most dangerous of indoor pollutants arising from furniture.

Typical sources of formaldehyde in households are plywood using urea, formaldehyde resin-containing adhesives and products using them. Particle board used in indoor environments can be counted as MDF made of fiber. Especially in MDF products, fiber / resin ratio is the highest and it is the product that emits the most formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde, headache, dizziness, nausea, as well as symptoms such as allergic reaction, redness in the eyes and causes symptoms such as watering. It may also cause allergic disorders due to contact dermatitis, pollen and other allergens or worsen the course of the disease. Formaldehyde has been shown to play a role in the development of asthma and is associated with breathing difficulties, especially at night, in patients with asthma.

Formaldehyde is classified as Group 2A by the International Cancer Research Agency for its carcinogenic property. Recent studies have reported that formaldehyde can cause cancers of the nose and upper respiratory tract, in particular. The release of formaldehyde, which is used in wooden furniture and parquet flooring, poses a great danger, especially for children who spend most of their time indoors.

Formaldehyde analysis is of great importance in order to avoid any risk to human health.

In particular, the amount of formaldehyde should be below the limits in the furniture exported. In this sense, this analysis should be performed regularly. It is inevitable that the once-formalized formaldehyde analysis may have legally negative consequences if it is unlawfully reconstructed without the knowledge of the laboratory.

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