Hygiene is the whole set of actions and measures taken to protect health. To the World Health Organization (WHO): refers to hygiene as conditions and practices that help protect health and prevent the spread of diseases. Good hygiene is an important component for quality assurance in the manufacture of food, medicine, cosmetics and other products. Food hygiene is defined as all kinds of measures and conditions necessary for the development of good production and good agricultural practices, hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) and ensuring the suitability of food by humans. Sanitation includes the principles to be implemented and the principles to be implemented (SSOP), by creating a clean and hygienic environment. It is a scientific application for sanitation in the food industry, creating hygienic and healthy conditions in production and bringing continuity.

For the quality and health of foodstuffs, it is necessary to purify physical (glass, metal, etc.), chemical (medicine, detergent, etc.) and biological impurities (mold, yeast, etc.) at all stages before and after production. Hygiene and sanitation rules should be applied in an appropriate and effective manner at every stage of production, from the field to the consumer's table.
In food establishments, hygiene and sanitation are carried out in 3 stages: before production, during production and after production. Before starting production, hygiene checks should be carried out, the environment in which foodstuffs are processed, any tools, machinery and equipment that come into contact with the foodstuff should be clean to prevent contamination to the food. During production, it is important at this stage to clean the environment in which foodstuffs are processed, to clean personnel and to determine any preventive activities (HACCP) that will not cause contamination in the finished product. After the production, the storage and transport stages must be reliable and clean so that the ready-made foodstuffs can reach the consumer without any contamination. In addition to the production stages, pest control, personnel hygiene and operating infrastructure are also important for hygiene and sanitation practices in food businesses.