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Hygiene Sanitation Surveillance in Cosmetic Production

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Since cosmetic products directly affect human health, hygienic conditions must be ensured during production stages. From the entry of raw materials into the business, the production, packaging, transportation and storage of hygienic conditions in the areas of the implementation of the GMP application.

In the Cosmetic Regulation, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) is defined as all standardized planned and systematic activities required to provide sufficient confidence to meet the quality requirements in the production, control, storage and shipping stages of cosmetic products. The producers of cosmetic products are obliged to produce according to the cosmetic regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. The cosmetic regulation refers to the Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices issued by the ministry to ensure hygienic conditions.

The Ministry of Health inspects the compliance of the cosmetic products with the legislation during production, distribution or when the products are in the market, imposes a fine on the nonconformities found as a result of the inspection and collects the products from the market if necessary. Information on unsafe products (manufacturer name, serial / lot number, cause of insecurity and sanctions) as a result of audits is published on the Ministry's website to inform consumers and alert users at risk. In addition to the companies that produce unsafe products, the Ministry of Health, which publishes GMP certified companies as a good example, encourages businesses to obtain GMP certificates.
As Saniter, we support companies in this process by conducting hygiene sanitation examination in cosmetic production areas in companies that have GMP certificate or want to obtain GMP certificate.

Gürkan AKSU
Surveillance Services Specialist

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