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Live Larva on Tomato

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  • Live Larva on Tomato

Due to the live larvae of the insect called Tuta absoluta in tomatoes, the exported tomatoes were returned.

The larvae of this insect make irregular cavities in the leaves, fruits, stalks and stems of tomatoes. Leaf and fruit opened in the game of the black-colored filth of the insect is remarkable.

As insects feed, galleries become empty and transparent gaps occur. Flakes can be seen all over the fruit.

It is possible to see the black colored dirt of the pest in the cavities in the leaves and fruits. Especially on the leaf black colored stools are quite noticeable.

This insect, which can be very harmful in tomato cultivation, originated in South America and was first seen in Spain in 2006 in Europe.

By taking cultural measures, biological and chemical control can be used to combat the damages.

If an effective struggle is not provided, the damage can become enormous.

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