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Microbiological Limits in Baby Cosmetics

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  • Microbiological Limits in Baby Cosmetics

Cosmetic products are evaluated according to the Guidelines on Microbiological Control of Cosmetic Products issued by the Ministry of Health.

The limit values ​​for baby products according to this manual are different from other products.

The limit values ​​for baby products are different from other products. Babies are more susceptible to microbial infections because their skin is more sensitive and not immune enough. Therefore, the cosmetic products used for them must also have lower microbial limit values.

Baby cosmetics include baby colognes, baby powders, lotions, shampoos and wet wipes.

The microbiological limit value for these products (products for children under 3 years) was determined as 100 cfu / g for the total number of viable aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (total of bacteria, mold, yeast). This number should not be exceeded in such products.

Also, like all other cosmetic products, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans or Escherichia coli should not be present.

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