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Microbiological Pollution Limits in Seas

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  • Microbiological Pollution Limits in Seas

The water used for swimming is evaluated according to the European Union's 2006/7 / EC Swimming Water Quality Regulation.

Traditionally, all kinds of lakes, dams, rivers and sea water, where many people swim and are open to swimming and where swimming is not prohibited, are defined as water used for swimming.

Total coliform, fecal coliform, fecal streptococci, Salmonella, Enteroviruses are observed microbiologically in these waters. Salmonella and Enteroviruses should never be present in swimming waters.

Total coliform, fecal coliform, fecal streptococcus bacteria can be found within certain limits but the information about the limits related to these bacteria are as follows.

Total coliform: Total coliform bacteria, which are not generally allowed in drinking water, are allowed to be found in swimming waters within certain limits. Limits are divided into two as guideline and mandatory limits. The mandatory limit for coliforms is 10000 cfu / 100 ml. The recommended guideline limit is 500 cfu / 100 ml.

Fecal coliform: The mandatory limit of faecal coliform bacteria for bathing water is 2000 cfu / 100 ml. The recommended guideline limit is 100 cfu / 100ml.

Fecal streptococcus: Required limit value for faecal streptococcal bacteria is 1000 cfu / 100 ml; the guide limit value is 100 cfu / 100 ml.

Fecal coliform value indicates a sewage-induced pollution. Fecal streptococcus also shows sewage and animal / agricultural impurities.

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