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Ministry of Health's Cosmetic Product Inspections and Necessary Analysis for Safe Product

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  • Ministry of Health's Cosmetic Product Inspections and Necessary Analysis for Safe Product

In the second quarter of 2018, the Cosmetic Supervision Department conducted market surveillance of cosmetic products.

In this process, 316 cosmetic products were inspected. 210 of these cosmetic products were not found to comply with the technical regulations. In addition, 13 unsafe products were identified.

A fine of 590,603 TL was imposed on all unsuitable products.

Of the 210 products that are in contradiction with the technical regulation, 33 are domestic and 177 are imported; In addition, it was found that 9 of the 13 insecure products were domestic and 4 were imported.

Cosmetic Inspection Department is increasing its inspections. 70% more sample purchases in market inspections than in the first quarter.

In order to produce both safe and technical products, it is becoming more and more important for the producers to follow the up-to-date legislation and carry out the analyzes mentioned in the regulations.

Cosmetic companies are fined for improper situations during audits. However, what is more important for the companies is the danger of loss of prestige and moral damage as a result of sharing the relevant company names with the public on the website of the ministry.

In order to avoid all this, cosmetic manufacturers should follow the technical regulations and carry out the relevant cosmetic analyzes required by the regulation.

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