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Nutritional Value (Energy) Calculation in Foods

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Calculating calories in foods is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. Calories are a unit of measurement that meets our body's energy needs and are the basic indicator of the energy we get from the foods we consume. In this article, we share why counting calories in foods is important, how to do it, and how it can be used as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Importance of Calories

Calories are a measure of the energy required for our body to function. The body uses calories to produce energy, regulate body temperature, run its organs, and perform daily activities. Proper caloric intake is critical in nutrition, maintaining health and maintaining optimal body functions. Calculated calories are one of the necessary steps for us to have a healthy body.

How to Calculate Calories in Foods?

Considering that the nutrients present in foods or food additives will be converted into energy in humans or living things, its energy content must be determined. In other words, calculated calorie means calculated energy. The majority of the energy content is calories.

Nutritional Value (Energy) Calculation in Foods

It is mandatory to calculate the energy of all packaged foods. All of these calculations constitute nutrition labeling. In other words, all nutritional values of any food, especially calorie calculation, constitute the nutrition labeling process.

Before calculating calories in foods, carbohydrate, protein, moisture, ash, fat and dietary fiber analyzes must be made in accordance with the sample matrix. After these analyzes on the sample are carried out; It is calculated according to the Atwater General Factor System method.

The calculation used to calculate carbohydrates and energy in the sample is as follows:

Carbohydrate= 100-(moisture+fat+protein+ash)

Energy (kcal)= (Fat x 9)+ (Protein x 4)+ [(Carbohydrate-Diet fiber) x 4]

1 kJ = 0.239 kcal

1kcal= 4.184kJ

Calorie Calculation Steps

Reading Food Labels: Reading labels on processed foods is the first step to understanding the calories they contain. Labels indicate how many calories a serving contains.

Portion Amount: It is important to determine the portion amount in foods correctly. This is the key to accurate calculation of calories consumed.

Multiplying the Amount of Calories: You can calculate the total amount of calories by multiplying the amount of calories contained in a serving by the number of servings. For example, 250 grams of a processed food with 130 calories per 100 grams. It is on the market in a package of . We can find the total calories of the package by using the calculation 130x2.5.

Online Calculation Tools: There are many calorie calculation tools and applications on the Internet. You can quickly calculate calories in foods using these tools. However, their reliability may be low. Additionally, these online calculation tools do not have any official validity. You need official laboratory test results for nutrition labeling on your processed food products.

Importance of Calculating Energy in Foods

Energy calculation in foods has a critical role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, maintaining ideal body weight, controlling weight and meeting the body's daily energy needs. This calculation is a tool used to control food intake and be aware of calories consumed.

Essential for Healthy Eating: Energy calculation is an essential part of healthy eating. It is important that we consume enough calories to meet the energy our body needs. At the same time, preventing unnecessary excess calorie consumption reduces the risk of serious health problems such as obesity.

Weight Control: Energy calculation is used to support weight control and weight loss. People calculate the calories of food when they want to balance the calories they consume with the calories they burn. This is important for those who want to maintain the desired body weight or lose weight.

Maintaining Energy Balance: Energy calculation helps determine the body's daily energy needs. This is important to avoid energy deficiency or excess. Lack of energy can weaken the body, while excess can lead to obesity.

Food Choices: Calculating calories in foods helps individuals make more conscious food choices. Knowing which foods contain more or fewer calories is important for creating a more balanced diet.

Need for Physical Activity and Exercise: Energy calculation helps people determine the energy they need in daily life and during exercise. This helps athletes and active individuals optimize their performance.

Who Calculates Energy in Foods?

Energy calculation and calorie calculation in foods is a process carried out for different purposes in the food industry and the field of nutrition. The following experts and organizations usually do this:

Food Manufacturers and Factories: Food manufacturers must determine the calorie content of the foods they produce and add this information to food labels. Manufacturers determine the caloric content of their products through laboratory tests and analysis.

Food Laboratories and Analysis Centers: Specialized food laboratories and analysis centers, such as Saniter, use advanced analysis methods to measure the calorie content in foods. These laboratories can perform calorie analyzes for food manufacturers, restaurants and other food businesses.

Nutritionists and Dietitians: Nutritionists and dietitians use calorie calculations to determine the personal nutritional needs of individuals and patients and create a healthy diet plan.

Health and Nutrition Consultants: Health and nutrition consultants determine recommended daily calorie intake using calorie calculations when giving individuals advice on healthy eating.

Saniter customer representatives are happy to answer your questions about all kinds of food analysis and other laboratory analysis. That's why you can share any information about our analyzes and reports with us.

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