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Prevention of Covid-19 Contagion with Foods and the importance of Disinfection in Food Businesses

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  • Prevention of Covid-19 Contagion with Foods and the importance of Disinfection in Food Businesses

Cleaning and disinfection is of great importance in food producing establishments. If disinfection is not carried out in food production establishments, cleaning is not considered to be done completely. For this reason, disinfection should be provided after cleaning in food production establishments.


Today, with the Covid-19 outbreak, cleaning and disinfection processes have gained particular importance. There is no scientific evidence yet that the virus is transmitted through foods. However, more attention in food production and distribution of staff working in food establishments will minimize potential contamination.

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in food production and distribution of staff of the measures to be taken and distributed to businesses in the form of brochures. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's brochures have been distributed by the provincial and district administrations, the food production business, the food is distributed to retailers and room.

In the brochures distributed, the rules to be followed by the food production enterprises, Covid-19 measures in food production and distribution are specified.


According to the brochures distributed, it is absolutely necessary to keep a distance of at least 2 meters between those working in food production establishments and food sales, to use protective masks, to limit the employees with Covid-19 contamination, to regularly clean and disinfect, to have a disinfectant mat and hand disinfectant at the entrance of the enterprises.


According to the leaflet distributed, the list of those to be purchased should be determined in advance in order to minimize shopping time. It is important to have the necessary protective equipment before shopping. Touching as few surfaces as possible after leaving the home will help protect potential contaminants. According to the brochure, it is recommended to shop for one person, comply with the social distance rule and use contactless payment options.

There is no scientific evidence that Covid-19 is transmitted through food, but during an infected person's cough and sneezing, it may be smeared by droplets or contact from sneezing cough surfaces.

For this reason, food workers especially sneeze their hands before starting work, treating cooked or ready-to-eat foods, touching or preparing raw foods, treating waste, after cleaning, after using the toilets, after touching the nose in any way, or after coughing, after eating, drinking or smoking, after contact with money, hands should be washed. Clothing such as gloves, bones, masks and shoe covers should be changed frequently. Employees who show signs of respiratory infection should be quickly removed from production activities in a controlled manner.

It must be ensured that the personnel comply with the personal hygiene rules. Emphasis should be placed on hygiene training of staff. Hygiene barriers should be available at the entrances to food production establishments. Necessary equipment and chemicals should be given for hand hygiene. Social distance should be given importance in the social areas of the personnel.

Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the social areas of the staff. In particular, it should be ensured that breads are prepared by gloved personnel in pre-packaged form in bakeries. Products sold in the open air, such as nuts, legumes, confectionery, should be offered for sale in packaging.


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