As it is known, Covid-19, one of the respiratory tract diseases, causes many symptoms, especially fever and cough, and even causes death if not treated.
As it is known, Covid-19, one of the respiratory tract diseases, causes many symptoms, especially fever and cough, and even causes death if not treated. During the pandemic period, it caused the death of over 5 million people all over the world. The most important issues that the Ministry of Health focuses on: cleaning, mask and distance. In particular, people who come into contact with external surfaces should not come into contact with their mouth, nose and eyes. When in contact, they should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. In cases where soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used.
The question of whether Covid-19 lives on surfaces has come to mind since the beginning of the pandemic. COVID-19 is transmitted by inhaling droplets released by sick people by coughing, sneezing or speaking by other individuals in the environment, or by touching the surfaces to which the droplets adhere, by taking the hands to the mouth, nose or eyes.
Various studies have been conducted since the beginning of the pandemic regarding the transmission of Covid-19 from surfaces. These studies were carried out both in hospital-like environments and in environments such as public transportation, etc. A study showed that approximately 18% of the surface samples taken from the hospital environment were positive. About 10% of the Covid-19 surface samples taken from non-hospital environments such as public transport were positive.
This situation shows that there is a possibility of Covid-19 transmission from surfaces, albeit low. The possibility of Covid-19 transmission through contaminated surfaces highlights the importance of testing surfaces for Covid-19, especially for indoor areas.
In this sense, especially in non-hospital environments, the most risky surfaces are door handles, common equipment such as pens and computers in offices.
It is also possible for the coronavirus to be transmitted through surfaces. Coronaviruses can also survive on inanimate surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic. If a person with Covid-19 coughs or sneezes directly on such a surface, the surface is contagious for a certain period of time. How long the viruses live varies according to the temperature, humidity of the air or surface texture. Meantime, other people can become infected if they touch the nose, eyes, or mouth area after touching these surfaces.
Studies on the permanence of coronavirus on metal surfaces have shown that Covid-19 can remain alive for 5 days.
In studies on the permanence of the coronavirus on wooden surfaces, it has been shown that Covid-19 can survive on these surfaces for 4 days. Although the number of the virus decreased at the end of the 4th day, it was concluded that it still exists in the studies.
Covid-19 can stay on plastic surfaces for a very long time. Studies have shown that it can stay on plastic surfaces for 6-9 days.
Like most respiratory viruses, Covid-19 can spread as small droplets released from the nose and mouth of an infected person when coughing. Scientists have stated that a single cough can produce 3,000 droplets. These particles fall on other people, on clothing, and on surfaces around them.
When the virus remains alive with these surfaces, the possibility of contracting Covid-19 arises for people who come into contact with it. In order to eliminate this possibility, it is necessary to pay great attention to the cleanliness of the surfaces. There is always the possibility of contamination in an environment where people who are not cleaned adequately and who are positive for Covid-19 are present.
Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of surfaces in crowded environments such as offices, schools and shopping malls. It is recommended to use bleach for cleaning the surfaces. Bleach can be diluted and used in areas that require special attention such as floors, toilets and sinks for Covid-19. For general cleaning, -100 parts water-1 part bleach- is sufficient. By adding -100 cc of bleach to 10 liters of water, surfaces and places can be wiped with this liquid; And, toilets and sinks can be cleaned.
Due to the pandemic, biocides are very much in our lives. In particular, biocidals that are effective against viruses have been used by everyone. In this sense, virus activity tests for biocides are of great importance.
The effectiveness tests of biocides against viruses are carried out according to the "TS EN 14476 standard".
In order for biocidals to be considered virucidally effective, they must provide a logarithmic activity of 4 or more at the end of a certain contact time against different types of viruses. The biocidals that provide this mean that they have a virucidal effect.
In this sense, virucidally active products can also be easily used for cleaning surfaces. Virus tests of surfaces are carried out by sampling through a special equipment swap. The samples taken with the help of this swap are analyzed in the laboratory under appropriate conditions, and whether the virus sought from that surface is found or not is analyzed.
These tests, which are usually done for viruses that cause respiratory tract diseases, can also be performed for other viruses recently. Detailed information about virus tests on surfaces can be learned from our laboratory.
As we mentioned above, Covid-19 can maintain its vitality on surfaces for days. In this sense, if effective cleaning and disinfection is not done adequately and correctly, there is a risk of Covid-19 staying alive on these surfaces during this period.
In buildings with closed ventilation systems such as schools, shopping malls, residences, smart buildings, the most effective method to determine whether there is Covid-19 on the surfaces after the cleaning process is to have a Covid-19 test done on the surfaces.
By performing a Covid-19 test on the surfaces, it is possible to determine whether the cleaning process is correct and effective in terms of Covid-19. Closed-circuit ventilation systems used in crowded environments also pose a great risk, especially at the entrance and exit points.
These areas are also risky surfaces, just like doorknobs, sinks, escalators and chairs. If there are no special filters holding viruses at the ventilation entrances and exits, the presence of Covid-19 in these areas reveals the possibility of people in different parts of the buildings to be infected through the ventilation system.
In order to perform the Covid-19 test on surfaces, a number of equipment and materials must be available in the relevant laboratory. First, the PCR device must be found.
In addition, an analysis kit specific to the Covid-19 test should be available in the laboratory. If this test is performed for surfaces, a special surface sampling kit should also be available in the laboratory to take samples from the surface. A laboratory with all these equipment and consumables can perform the Covid-19 test on surfaces for the autocontrols of companies that want to perform these controls.
As Saniter Laboratory, we provide services to companies that want to have Covid-19 tests done on surfaces. If you want to perform Covid-19 test controls on the surfaces of your office, smart building, etc., you can contact us. For other questions, you can contact us at
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